THE LAW OF BLESSING - Understanding the rules

Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. (2 Tim 2:3-5)

Key 1.

1. A solidier doesn't get entangled in civilian affairs.

2. For an athlete to win, they must observe all the rules.

3. The hardworking farmer is rewarded by the fruit of his garden.

In Today's sharing, we see that God declared a LAW OF BLESSING - just like you see the Law of Gravity.

In Gen 18:18, God declared this Law of blessing

Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and through him all nations of the earth shall be blessed.

For a man therefore to be blessed on the earth, they need a connection to Abraham.As we all know, this connection has been made by Jesus Christ.

What are the rules to recieve this blessing? When one recieves an alert for Mobile Money, they know they have the money. But what are the steps to retrieve it? So one quickly goes to *165# and follows the prompts. In a football game, for a goal to be counted there has to be fulfillment of certain rules like offsides and no handballs. This works for most sports like athletics which has diffrent rules altogether. Similarly, to receive this blessing (actually see this blessing operate in our life), needs certain rules.

  • How do we access the things that belong to us?
  • What are the rules of accessing the things God has given us?

In Eph 1:3, Paul doesn't pray. He doesn't fast. He doesn't go for deliverance service. Instead, he gives thanks and makes a declaration. 

'Thanks be to God who has given us all spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.' (Eph 1:3)

One of the fundamental rules (the *165#) of the LAW OF BLESSING is to  * declare God's promises with thanks.Since we are connected to Abraham's blessing by faith, (Gal 3:9), then we should start opening these promises, give thanks to God and his blessing will be activated in our lives.

So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith.Be blessed. (Gal 3:9)
